Tuesday, March 19, 2013

20 things

1. I recently kicked my nail biting habit. Only took me 28 years. 
2. I was on a Japanese game show when I was 13.
3. I get told I look like Carey Mulligan (the actress) more than I can count.
4. I have been mistaken for the waitress from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia twice.
5. I remember all my dreams everyday. I don't even have to write them down. 
6. I have had short hair for 12 years. Never going back to long.
7. I used to be REALLY shy. Now I am really social. I can be friends with anyone.
8. I have an old soul.
9. Swedish chocolate Marabou is my favorite. 
10. I always have at least one bottle of red wine at home. I love red wine! 

11. I have never worn heels. Nor will I ever want to. I'm a flats kind of girl.
12. I have sold 11 paintings so far. One to a famous artist Isaiah Zagar in Philadelphia. He has it hanging in his gallery space.
13. I truly believe that I will be famous for my artwork one day. 
14. I don't look like my age. I get carded for EVERYTHING.
15. I think I am the only person in the world who doesn't own an iPhone.
16. I have a custom painted "cupcake themed" bicycle that I ride. 
17. I saw Michael Jackson in concert when we lived in Japan at Tokyo Dome in 1996. I still remember it. 
18. My favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally.
19. I have terrible circulation. I'm either freezing or sweating like a beast.
20. I laugh at my own jokes. 


  1. Här har du en till som har dålig blodcirkulation.. jobbigt att det är vinter mer än sommar ;)

    Och jag är GANSKA avis på att du sett Michael Jackson live. Måste ha varit en upplevelse!


  2. Dalig blodcirkulation ar inget kul! Mina hander ar hela tiden nastan lila. Nar dem varmer upp sej, sa blir dem knallroda. Ser for hemskt ut!

    Michael Jackson var verkligen en upplevelse! Glommer aldrig den konserten.
